Registration Deadline: | March 20, 2006 almost 19 years ago |
To apply for Funding you must register by: | February 13, 2006 about 19 years ago |
Parent Program: |
This workshop brings together the participants of the program, Rational and Integer Points on Higher Dimensional Varieties at MSRI and the program, Analysis in Number Theory at CRM, Montreal. It will be held at the Banff International Research Station, and will include expository talks as well as presentations on current research highlighting the flow of ideas between analytic number theory and arithmetic geometry. On the analytic side, one has the circle method and its modern adaptations, sieving methods, techniques from spectral theory, ergodic theory and the theory of automorphic forms. On the side of arithmetic geometry, there is the theory of universal torsors, heights, intersection theory, $p$-adic integration, theory of moduli spaces, compactifications of algebraic groups and homogeneous spaces. Open problems range from understanding very concrete equations to more abstract questions of proving and interpreting asymptotics of rational and integral points on orbits of linear algebraic groups, special points on semi-abelian varieties and Shimura varieties. Among the themes to be discussed are:
Theory of height functions
Analytic approaches to the existence of rational and integral points on algebraic varieties
Counting of points of bounded heights (e.g., asymptotics for Fano varieties)
Equidistribution theorems
Geometric techniques in analytic and algebraic number theory (e.g., symmetric products, fibration methods, averaging in families)
Automorphic forms and distribution of special points on Shimura varieties
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification